It’s a year of trying to hold things together. I am grateful for my family’s military career. Every other year we moved at Christmas. When we were in our military home, we were not allowed to paint the walls or put in carpet or barely hang pictures. You know anything that would make it an actual home. Although the military doesn’t issue service members a sea bag big enough for a family, they never met the evolving mother. The military underestimated the power of a woman. The military has come a long way baby!
Never thought you would hear that statement. As a military brat, I can say I’ve seen a few things too, like a soldier eating my special (mud) cookies. As an spouse, putting wall paper up with a lot of Scotch tape, there has been an evolution in the military. All parents will be pleased to know that a few good women sat around, yes, a kitchen table and organized a group to support military families. While I wasn’t at that original kitchen table I was at a similar table later. This group galvanized military children’s education rights and improved healthcare. While I didn’t advocate for painting a wall or taping up wall paper in a military house, we did advocate for better living standards. I have a life-time achievement award for doing so.
Every home we lived in was given the evolving mother’s touch. It was hard enough packing up and leaving friends every two to three years much less figuring out how to make a house a home. Nevertheless she persisted. One time I even bought heavy double stick tape to put down padding and carpet in base housing! Did I mention I am frugal and love figuring out ways to recycle products? That carpet was in at least three different homes. Just like a spinach smoothie, don’t knock til ya try it. Much less if ya haven’t been in the military or moved frequently, no judging.
And yes, I was part of the military. The military influenced my whole life. I sometimes wonder if the soldier that ate my mud cookies would have rather even deployed, but my husband assures me he would not. I am proud to hang the picture—with a 3M heavy duty hook— my mother proudly hung in our home growing up that read’s Navy Wife The Toughest Job in the Navy. I continue to use 3M and Scotch tape because I still have a ‘thang’ about moving furniture around. Who knows, it might just be a marriage saver too. In more ways than one. --The Evolving Mother
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