Another word for changes when you try to be positive.
I love seasons and look forward to them.
At least the changes in the weather....but only in San Diego.
The weather here doesn't change drastically. Not so with life.
Life can have down pours of rain. Such is the current weather where I live.
Basic living is learning to live above a down pour of life circumstances.
Better said then done. 🙄
I am taking some time daily to view the rain differently.
Life will not be a fantasy of sunshine all the time.
However, I am enjoying the view of the snow covered mountains at 65°.
Seeking and finding the positive in life strengthens me to untangle one thunderstorm at a time.
Without 'weathering' the storm, I (we) lose all hope of moving forward.
The current thunderstorm I am living through is changing newsletter platforms.
I have a love-hate relationship with technology.
Although this season is cluttered with the most birthday's, a big holiday, our anniversary, and a booming business. It is a time of beautiful buds beaming to bloom!
I love alliteration as much as I like to 'sing in the rain'. 🎶☔
Bloom with me as I transition us to one platform with one tech support number to help manage the seasons of my life.
Keep evolving 🌹 --The Evolving Mother